How to Apply for Job in FM: A Step-by-Step Guide

Applying for a job in facilities management (FM) in Australia can be a rewarding opportunity. With the sector experiencing growth due to increasing demands for efficient building and asset management, there are many pathways to secure a role in this dynamic field. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to apply for job in FM in Australia.

Understanding The FM Landscape

The FM industry comprises a variety of disciplines, including:
Hard FM: Maintenance of building infrastructure (electrical, mechanical, and HVAC).
Soft FM: security, cleaning, trash management, and catering.
Asset Management: Optimising Building Use and Life Cycle.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Space management
  • Safety compliance
  • Operational efficiency

Understanding these core responsibilities will help you tailor your application to highlight the relevant skills and experiences that employers are seeking.

Steps to Apply for a Job in Facilities Management

1. Research the Industry

Start by familiarising yourself with the FM industry in Australia. Look into major companies, current trends, and the types of roles available. This knowledge will help you tailor your application and demonstrate your commitment to the field.

2. Identify Your Career Goals

Consider what you want to achieve in your FM career. Are you drawn to building management, maintenance coordination, or energy management? Clarifying your career goals will guide your job search and help you find roles that align with your aspirations.

3. Update Your Resume

Your resume should highlight your relevant experience, skills, and qualifications. Include any previous roles in maintenance, property management, or similar fields. Emphasise skills such as problem-solving, leadership, and knowledge of FM software.

Key Elements to Include:

  • Contact Information: Ensure your contact details are up to date.
  • Professional Summary: Provide a brief overview of your experience and career goals.
  • Work Experience: Detail your previous roles, focusing on responsibilities and achievements relevant to FM.
  • Education and Certifications: List your educational background and any certifications related to FM, such as HVAC, electrical, or safety training.
  • Skills: Highlight both technical skills (e.g., knowledge of FM software) and soft skills (e.g., communication and leadership).

4. Tailor Your Cover Letter

A well-crafted cover letter can set you apart from other candidates. Tailor your cover letter to each job application, addressing the specific requirements of the role and explaining why you are a good fit. Highlight your passion for FM and any relevant achievements.

Tips for a Strong Cover Letter:

  • Personalise It: Address the hiring manager by name if possible.
  • Be Concise: Keep your cover letter to one page, focusing on key points.
  • Show Enthusiasm: Express your excitement about the opportunity and the company.

5. Prepare for Interviews

  • Research the Company: Demonstrate your knowledge of the company’s FM operations and its approach to sustainability or other relevant areas.
  • Prepare for Common FM Interview Questions: Research and practice answering frequently asked FM interview questions. 

Common Interview Questions:

  • Describe your experience in troubleshooting building maintenance issues.
  • How do you ensure compliance with relevant FM regulations in your country?
  • How would you approach implementing a cost-effective FM strategy?
  • Can you describe a time when you had to manage a difficult maintenance issue?
  • How do you ensure compliance with health and safety regulations?

6. Building a Strong Online Presence

  • Use Job Search Platforms: Utilise job search platforms and websites specific to FM roles in Australia. Websites like Seek, Indeed, and LinkedIn often list FM job opportunities.
  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization: Create a professional LinkedIn profile showcasing your FM expertise.
  • Industry Networking: Join online FM communities and connect with professionals globally.
  • FM Certifications: Highlight any relevant FM certifications you hold, such as those offered by the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) or your country’s specific FM association.

7. Apply for Multiple Roles

Don’t settle for just one job. Apply for a range of jobs that match your skills and interests. This increases your chances of landing a job and allows you to choose the best opportunity.

Job boards:

  • SEEK: This is the biggest job board in Australia and a great place to start your search. You can filter for “Facilities Management” jobs and specify your location.
  • Company websites: Many FM companies in Australia will advertise their vacancies on their websites. Do a quick Google search to find the websites of companies you’re interested in and check their careers page.

Once you have submitted your application or participated in an interview, send a thank you message. This shows professionalism and keeps you on the hiring manager’s radar.

Additional Tips for FM Job Seekers:

  • Job Boards: Utilize prominent international job boards like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor to find FM positions. Consider regional job boards relevant to your target country.
  • FM Recruitment Agencies: Partner with specialized FM recruitment agencies to access exclusive opportunities, especially when applying internationally.
  • Networking Events: Attend FM industry events and conferences to meet potential employers, both online and in person, depending on location.
  • Continuous Learning: Stay updated on the latest FM trends and technologies by attending workshops online courses, or earning relevant FM certifications.


Applying for a job in facilities management in Australia requires thorough preparation and a strategic approach. By researching the industry, updating your resume, tailoring your cover letter, and networking, you can increase your chances of securing a rewarding role in FM. Remember to stay persistent and continue developing your skills to advance your career in this dynamic field.

Following these steps will help you navigate the application process and position yourself as a strong candidate in the competitive FM job market. Good luck with your job search!

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