Why Monitoring Your Application is Important for Business Success

Application performance monitoring has become a vital part of every company’s day-to-day operation. Why? Customers will abandon an application if it does not work or gives poor user experience. Every organization that owns or utilizes a crucial application for cash flow needs its software to respond to requests as accurately and quickly as possible. The only way to guarantee this is to monitor the software around the clock.

A software program, like a human being, can become ill in a million different ways. They may encounter both major and moderate outages, as well as intermittent performance concerns. In this article we will explores why monitoring your application is important, detailing the advantages it brings to businesses in terms of enhancing performance, improving user experiences, and driving business growth.

Understanding Application Monitoring

Before we delve into the benefits, let’s clarify what application monitoring really entails. Application monitoring is the process of continuously checking and managing the performance of software applications. This involves tracking the application’s operations, identifying issues before they affect users, and gathering data to help optimize its functionality.

Why Monitor Your Applications?

Enhanced Performance and User Satisfaction

  • Quick Issue Resolution: Monitoring tools detect anomalies and performance issues as soon as they occur. This means problems can be addressed quickly, often before users even notice, thereby avoiding frustration and dissatisfaction.
  • Optimized User Experience: Users have high expectations while using applications, and like with any other business, understanding your customers is essential for keeping them satisfied. Keeping a close eye on key metrics can allow you to obtain a better idea of your company’s user satisfaction.
  • Maintain business continuity: Any disruption in business processes can cost a company money. As a result, application performance is crucial for ensuring business continuity. APM data is the basis for real-time analysis of a company’s actions. 

Improved Security

  • Threat Detection: Unfortunately, hackers are becoming a greater menace to digital organizations. Monitoring your applications enables you to discover and respond swiftly to any unauthorized intrusions.
  • Compliance and Data Protection: Keeping in line with Australian data protection regulations, monitoring helps ensure that your applications comply with legal standards, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.

Data-Driven Decisions

  • Insightful Analytics: Monitoring tools collect vast amounts of data on user behavior, application performance, and system health. This data is invaluable for making informed decisions that can propel a business forward.
  • Performance Benchmarks: Continuously gathered data helps in setting performance benchmarks and goals, which is essential for growth and improvement.

Scalability and Future-Proofing

  • Ease of Scalability: With effective monitoring, businesses can plan for growth more efficiently. Understanding the capacity and capability of your applications ensures that scaling up doesn’t compromise performance.
  • Innovation Support: By identifying performance trends and user preferences, monitoring supports innovation. New features can be tested and rolled out with confidence, knowing the existing infrastructure can handle it.

Best Practices in Application Monitoring

Once you’ve defined your important business processes, make sure you use these best practices when designing your application performance monitoring.

Select a suitable tool for your purpose

Is your application available across several technologies? Do your preferred procedures include integrations? Understanding your company’s operations will allow you to make an informed decision about an automation tool. And if you were thinking of developing your own APM tool, be cautious. The premise of APM is that anything you build can perform unexpectedly; hence, if you design an application to monitor the performance of another tool, you will almost certainly cause the ‘double trouble’ effect. It is advisable to deal with reputable sellers. 

Select tools that best fit your application’s technology stack and business needs. There are various options available, from real-time monitoring dashboards to more detailed analytical tools.

Application Monitoring Tools and Applications

Application monitoring tools are software designed to track the performance and health of applications. They provide IT operations teams with insights into how applications are running, allowing them to identify and resolve issues before they can impact users.

Key Features for App Monitoring Software

Application performance monitoring tools help you maintain track of all business programs and respond swiftly to performance issues. Consider the following key characteristics while selecting application monitoring software.


  • Monitoring Capabilities: The core function is monitoring application performance. Look for features like real-user monitoring (RUM), synthetic monitoring, and code-level tracing to pinpoint bottlenecks and errors.
  • Alerting and Reporting: The tool should offer customizable alerts to notify you of performance issues promptly. Robust reporting features help analyze trends and identify performance patterns.
  • Supported Technologies: Ensure the software supports the technologies your applications rely on (e.g., programming languages, frameworks, databases).

Usability and Scalability:

  • Ease of Use: The user interface should be intuitive for IT staff to navigate and interpret data efficiently.
  • Customization: The ability to customize dashboards and reports to focus on specific application metrics is crucial.
  • Scalability: Consider the tool’s ability to handle your current application volume and future growth.

Security and Cost:

  • Security: The software should prioritize data security with features like encryption and role-based access control.
  • Cost: Monitoring tools can range from free, open-source options to enterprise-grade solutions. Choose a plan that fits your budget and scales with your needs.

Additional Considerations:

  • Integrations: Compatibility with existing IT tools and platforms can streamline data collection and analysis.
  • Success Criteria: Define what success looks like (e.g., faster response times, reduced downtime). Choose a tool that aligns with these goals.
  • Support: Reliable technical support is essential for troubleshooting any issues with the monitoring software.

By considering these characteristics, you can choose an application monitoring tool that effectively keeps your applications running smoothly and efficiently.


In the competitive Australian market, application monitoring is not just a technical necessity but a strategic asset. It supports better performance, enhances user satisfaction, reduces costs, improves security, aids in making informed decisions, and supports business growth and innovation. By investing in robust application monitoring strategies, businesses can not only prevent potential disasters but also ensure they are equipped to thrive in the digital age.

Embracing application monitoring is thus not just about maintaining operations; it’s about empowering your business to navigate the challenges of today and seize the opportunities of tomorrow.