Why did you Choose to Work with People with Disability 

Working with people with disabilities is a profoundly rewarding and enriching career path that offers unique opportunities to make a significant impact in the lives of others. More than 4.4 million Australians have a handicap, with many of them aged 65 or older.

People with disabilities face a variety of barriers, including physical limitations, a lack of accessibility, as well as stigma and misconceptions about disability. These barriers can limit the opportunities available to people with disabilities, affecting their ability to find work, socialize, and perform everyday tasks that many others take for granted. If you are considering a career in this challenging but rewarding field, here are the top reasons to choose to work with people with disabilities

A Calling to Make a Difference

Personal Fulfillment

One of the primary reasons individuals choose a career in disability support is the deep personal fulfilment it offers. Working closely with people with disabilities provides a unique opportunity to impact lives positively, promoting independence and self-confidence in those you support. Witnessing the direct effect of your efforts on someone else’s life is immensely rewarding and provides a sense of accomplishment that is difficult to find in many other professions.

Building Relationships

The role involves more than just providing support; it’s about building trusting relationships. Through daily interactions, workers in this field often develop strong bonds with the people they assist. These relationships can be incredibly gratifying, filled with mutual respect and affection, which enhances the job’s emotional rewards.

Contributing to Social Change

Advocacy and Awareness

Working with people with disabilities also places you on the front lines of advocacy, promoting awareness and inclusivity within the community. This role allows you to be a voice for those who might otherwise be overlooked, helping to break down barriers and challenge societal perceptions about disability.

Inclusive Community Development

Professionals in this field play a crucial role in fostering inclusive communities. By supporting individuals with disabilities in various environments—whether in education, employment, or social settings—you contribute directly to a more inclusive society that values diversity and equality.

A Dynamic and Challenging Environment

Diverse Job Roles

The disability sector offers a variety of roles, from hands-on care and personal assistance to roles in management, advocacy, and policy development. This variety ensures that individuals can find a niche that suits their skills and interests, with ample opportunities for career advancement and specialization.

Continuous Learning and Development

The field of disability support is ever-evolving, driven by advancements in medical knowledge, technology, and educational methodologies. Professionals in this sector are continually learning and adapting, which not only makes the job more interesting but also enhances their skills and career prospects.

Empowering Individuals and Communities

Enhancing Autonomy

A significant part of working with people with disabilities involves empowering them to make their own choices and live as independently as possible. This empowerment not only enriches the lives of the individuals but also brings positive changes to their families and broader communities. As a disability support worker, you play an integral role in enabling individuals to pursue their goals, whether that’s through education, employment, or social engagement.

Skill Development

Part of the job involves teaching skills that most of us take for granted. From daily life skills like cooking and managing finances to social skills and workplace etiquette, you help individuals gain independence. This skill development is crucial and can open doors for people with disabilities that might otherwise remain closed.

Addressing Unique Challenges

Customized Support Plans

Each individual with a disability is unique, which means the support required is also highly personalized. Working in this field allows you to develop customized care and support plans that address the specific needs and aspirations of each person. This tailored approach not only makes the role more challenging but also more rewarding, as you can see the direct impact of your work on an individual’s progress.

Crisis Management and Problem-Solving

In disability support, you often encounter challenging situations that require quick thinking and effective problem-solving skills. Whether it’s dealing with a medical emergency or navigating social and emotional upheavals, the ability to manage crises is crucial. These challenges make the role dynamic and engaging, ensuring that every day is unique.

Stability and Growth in the Sector

Growing Demand

Australia’s aging population and greater recognition of the rights of people with disabilities have led to an increased demand for disability support workers. This trend is expected to continue, offering job security and opportunities for those in the sector.

Government Support

With initiatives like the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the Australian government has committed substantial resources to support individuals with disabilities. This has not only expanded services but also created numerous employment opportunities in the sector.


Choosing to work with people with disabilities is a decision that offers both personal and professional rewards. It’s a career that demands compassion, resilience, and a commitment to making a difference. Whether you are driven by personal experience, a desire for a dynamic work environment, or the wish to contribute to societal progress, working in disability support can fulfil these aspirations and more.