How to Get Rid of Green Ants Naturally and Safely

As with any other pest infestation, the type of treatment you employ to get rid of green ants should be determined by the colony and the severity of the infestation. Take on your safety equipment gloves, long pants and sleeves, closed shoes and let’s get started.

Why should I get rid of green ants? 

While green ants may have certain ecological benefits, it is vital to remove them when they infest our homes or gardens. Here are some reasons why.

  • Green ants can damage plants and trees by hollowing out leaves to build nests. This can damage the plants and eventually lead to their demise. 
  • Green ants have a powerful bite and sting, which can be especially bothersome for those who are allergic. Their bites may cause redness, swelling, or irritation. 
  • Green ants are attracted to food sources and can contaminate them by their presence. This may be a health risk, especially if they Are carrying bacteria or illnesses. 

Understanding Green Ants’ Behavior 

Before we get into the many techniques to get rid of green ants, it’s important to understand their behavior. This information will help us build effective control strategies.

Nesting habits: Metallic green ants native to Brisbane often build their nests in trees or shrubs. However, they can also be found in buildings, beneath rocks, and on the ground. They can build massive nests, which can be a nuisance if they are located near human residences. Green ants are omnivorous, which means they hunt for both plants and other insects. They follow smell trails to find food and communicate with one another using chemical signals. 

Protective Behavior: Green ants are very territorial and will actively defend their colonies. They use their formidable mandibles and stingers to repel intruders, including humans. Understanding these behavior’s helps us to develop ways for precisely targeting green ant nesting sites and foraging patterns.

Identifying a Green Ant Infestation

Signs of Infestation

  • Visible Trails: Green ants often travel in visible trails from their nests to food sources.
  • Nests: Look for nests made of leaves woven together in trees and shrubs.
  • Bites: Frequent bites from green ants are a clear indication of their presence.

How to get rid of green ants

Natural Remedies

Vinegar Solution

Mix equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where ants are active. Using vinegar can disrupt their scent trails, preventing them from coming back.

Essential Oils

Certain essential oils, such as tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and eucalyptus oil, are effective ant repellents. Mix a few drops with water and spray it around entry points and nests.

Diatomaceous Earth

Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the garden and entry points of your home. This natural substance dehydrates ants and other pests, effectively controlling their population.

Chemical Solutions

Ant Baits

Granular ant bait is available without a prescription. Ants usually do not take the bait right away when you place it out. They will spread the insecticide throughout the colony, including locations you are unable to reach. With time, the nest activity reduces, indicating that the bait was effective.

Insecticidal Sprays

Use insecticidal sprays specifically designed for ants. Spray directly on trails and nests. Be cautious when using chemical sprays in the garden to avoid harming beneficial insects and plants.

Professional Pest Control

Sometimes hiring a professional pest control service is mandatory. Specialists can provide targeted treatments and advice on long-term prevention.

Prevention Methods

Keep Your Home Clean

  • Food Storage: Store food in airtight containers to prevent attracting ants.
  • Waste Management: Dispose of garbage regularly and keep bins sealed.
  • Clean Surfaces: Wipe down surfaces and clean up spills immediately.

Garden Maintenance

  • Prune Trees and Shrubs: Regularly prune trees and shrubs to disrupt nesting sites.
  • Remove Debris: Clear garden debris and fallen leaves where ants might nest.
  • Limit Water Sources: Repair leaks and remove standing water to reduce ant attractions.

Maintaining a Green Ant-Free Environment

Regular Inspections

Conduct regular inspections of your home and garden to detect and address infestations early.

Sealing Entry Points

Seal cracks and crevices in walls, windows, and doors to prevent ants from entering your home.

Maintaining Cleanliness

Continue with good hygiene practices in both your home and garden to reduce the likelihood of attracting green ants.


Getting rid of green ants requires a combination of prevention, natural remedies, and, in some cases, chemical treatments. By understanding their behavior and implementing these strategies, you can effectively manage and eliminate green ant infestations. Remember, maintaining cleanliness and regular inspections are key to keeping your home and garden ant-free. If the problem persists, don’t hesitate to seek professional pest control services to ensure a safe and comfortable living environment.

With these tips, Australians can confidently tackle green ant problems and enjoy a pest-free home and garden.